Tuesday, April 11, 2023

waffle slab RC wall


那它可以當作為一定高度的檔土牆物料, 以減小石矢物料, 或,由於應該較少泥的特質, 所以作為擋土牆回填時的物料會減輕擋土牆的設計loading.



甚至乎,擋土牆做厚d,  夾係鐵中間, 做waffle slab,  又可以省石矢。

Monday, April 11, 2022

Informal method to make UU system in a city


Google storage system according to street name and number.

With light post or electric post as locator.



shows the “location of the trench by light post”


2.       This photo should be lower, shows the “light post with number with trench nearby”


3.        Show the “trench with road nearby”









shows the “location of the trench by light post”

 Show the “trench with road nearby”

Central data system.

If there is no formal way, then, it can be by informal way,

Add photos to Google Photo album, with album name: “Street name” & “Light post or electric post number” ~ simply to be named as post number

This naming system can ensure that the information at same street can be at the same group and people can search the location by Post number “where post number is quite small enough for information searching, in long, street number auto added would be preferred to clarify the section of the road or lamp post should include the information of street number”


Example album

There may be a 說明書 on how to use google photo album. While, if multi people use one account, it may be ruined the structure.

So, there may be one people who hold the account, and when trench situation need to be recorded, the contractor provides him with the light post and street name, and he generate the album with map screen shot or the old file and share the album with the contractor.

For this method, the benefit is that the album can see who upload the photo, the Contractor may register a specific account name which includes the contract number

Sunday, June 6, 2021

aggressive patent anticipation to manage and encourage design

Actively concept created to limit the charge when a patent is made. For mechanical related invention? 

1. Raise problem to be tackled by able person
2. Limit the price or the problem raised.

單身 joint 口防滑塗層,
傳統單車椅子joint 口位置只靠壓力夾實, 如果在之間用一層塗層, 令它同樣壓力下, fiction 會增加, 就可以做到更好的穩定椅子效果。

其實我覺得乳膠漆就ok,  不過如果有人發明更好嘅, 呢個概念可令他專利價錢需要受限?
而會有個list 展示一堆這類想法概念。例如這技術只能貴過乳膠漆1.3 倍或貴過預計成本的1.5 倍

汽水在膠樽中受壓, 所以冰點較高, 例如放在-1, 2 (假設)  度的雪櫃, 拿出來時, 一開蓋, 走壓就會開始凝冰。

為免這個方法被套用在各種汽水中, 而香港沒有回收全部或大部份膠樽的系統, 建議只准有提供各種膠樽回收並送到膠樽回收場的公司可以用這種方法賣可樂以外的凝冰汽水。

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Slab edge R.C. consideration

For R.C. design, catiliver span, as moment increased, it requires more reinforcement at the tension side and so is the Tension Lap/ Anchorage Length(TL/AL) of reinforcement increaed from the end until 100%. Under design assumption, full anchorage is required at the critical section of the member. Such that when the design load is 100%, started from the critical section, 100% TL/AL is required, and when it is x%, then x% times TL/AL is required.
Case 1.
For vertical case such as wall,
the load design would often be as follows:

1. wind/ soil~ such that the design Moment would be  w*d/2(Design load)*d*2/3(Lifter arm) or w*d*d/2such that w*d^2/3 or w*d^2/2 at the section with distance 'd" form the top edge,

2. human impact load~ around 1KN at the top.

3.Vehicle impact load~ depends on the expected impact point from the top.

Say the wall is of  300 tk. and 50 cover. 
Then, start from the top just below the cover, the lap length would be 300-50*2=200
which would normally be enought for the design load. 
To fully understan the calculation, the load capacity at distance d below the cover would be
((200+d)/(Lap Length))*Design capacity for full TL/AL.
Case 2. and 3 is for the case when there is no support under the edge (Cantilever), and when the slab is constructed on a plane. (We would expect that poiint load or line load would be posed at the edge. So that a full anchorage is required. And, for easier to bend the edge U bar, we may minize the size of edge U bar if the design point or line load is enough. While according to the code (I have not confirmed), the smaller bar can only be one size smaller than the bigger bar. <<(Edited, present not well before***)

When the edge is under support (Regid joint), the TL/AL would be designed for the Moment at the top near supporting member. Which would not be discussed in this chapter

***What is the code principle based upon? Is the principle under the same design criteria?
 How about if I design it as "anchorage" to the slab?

Sunday, February 7, 2021

拱形設計(古建築概念) Acient structure(water retaining)


如相中所示, 大部份工程物料, under tension 嘅時侯, 日子耐左, 日曬雨淋, 就會爆, 石矢來講,同樣span,  crack width under tension 就會變左 critical factor. 以前某個時期嘅鐵可能冇咁好。

所以, 舊時代汲水設計可能特登設計成拱形, 咁成個structure under compression,  面對潮濕時日曬雨淋嘅情況就會較耐用。

Thursday, December 31, 2020


假如塊太陽能板直接擺係燈頂, 既可以最短
電線距離供電比粒燈同電池(最少電阻) , 又可以擋住光害污染射上天空。


咁樣可能可以話維修方便d,  或重心係底。

大陸山區係全部主要部件係燈頂, 極平, 琴條梯上去搞。

Saturday, December 19, 2020



Tuesday, December 8, 2020



Writinf experience


Video expression





Sunday, November 29, 2020

Drawing: Bar mark problem

Bar mark consist of:

No.of bar-Y(size)-bar mark-(c-c)

我想講一講-bar mark- 個情況,好似攞來玩咁...


也係就每件獨立結構由1排起,不過咁樣鐵佬好難分果條1 號鐵係for 咩structure.


其實會唔會應讓比多個digit 佢?

即-bar mark- 改為








1號pile cap, 1號鐵枝咁




Sunday, November 22, 2020

Joint Sealant 物料考慮



填綘物料分為 阿加力膠,silicon 同埋黏合膠。


而civil 通常用到silison黏合膠,大致成份都差唔多。





唔記得左邊果d葉叫咩名, 原來會養蚊

Thursday, November 12, 2020


舊時代works 大叔教ga 方法係,係板底擺D麻包袋。


因為,fiction factor 係取決於load and material

都係擺係路面,個load 會一樣,但板同地面之間ga物料就會影嚮到佢地之間ga磨擦力。


符合 BD 標準的梯?


有一個某部門ga AI.

佢有一日屎忽痕,想搞D設計,整左條咁ga 石矢或麻石梯。

讚: 好野,特色設計

踩: 一睇個設計都驚仆q死人,你刪番張圖佢

驚訝: 師兄,你呢個設計,比你出左街,第日仆親人都係claim死你

Like: Good, unique design Step on: When you look at a design, you will be shocked then, you are asked to delete the picture Surprised: Seems no problem, once built, someone hurt and will claim 9 you

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Low cost long duration flying camera


Design small Balloon camera for the reasons as follows:

  1. Raise during emergency relief to monitor underground conditions

  2. Monitor the status of littering at the beach

  3. Monitor the handling and transportation of recyclable materials (plastic bottles) in the city

  4. Monitor the pollution of the factory

For more information:


waffle slab RC wall

原創 膠樽是很好的惰性物料,在無日曬下會十分耐用。 只要有工廠或機械自動裝沙機入膠樽, 那它可以當作為一定高度的檔土牆物料, 以減小石矢物料, 或,由於應該較少泥的特質, 所以作為擋土牆回填時的物料會減輕擋土牆的設計loading. 又或者室內批盪做間牆的...