Friday, January 31, 2020

The cheapest bridge in Rural area

Spend 10 USD to build a bridge by tree (印度橡樹)  for 1 decade?

This two-tier bridge in Nongriat village is estimated to be 200 years old.
By this web site

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

3 年前的文章,關於common service channel

負責人合作。 當日,我們的團隊被要求安排其他負責人更換掉地下的水喉,以頗免爆喉時又要重
新發掘。 當時,水喉佬有一個意見 - 他們的水喉可不可以走我們的排水渠。當時,由於工程的設
但其實,外國一早存在這些概念,被稱為Common Service Channel (CSC)。可否直接建造CSC是較
讓其他所屬公司通過呢? 這意見可用在新建渠工程和大型維修渠或甚至重舖地下設施時,作為日
shoring system,這現像可能可改善。

One day, when our project team decide to excavate for a drainage channel and repave the concrete
road surface, we have to coordinate between different under utilities party. There is a comment that
we have to renew all the old fresh water pipe in this project when we make improvement to the
pavement and drainage. So that there is no need to break up the concrete carriage next time. Our
team consider this idea justify and during the coordination, the water supply party purposed to add
their pipe into our drainage system. At that time, we reject the suggestion. But, I would accept the
offer after I read through the idea that there can be common service tunnel in a city planning. As
there would just excavate for a bit larger but can let other party easier to connect their utilities and
fewer works is needed. Actually, in a high people dense city like Hong Kong, it is always necessary
to construct drainage system. So, why don’t we excavate & construct the drainage system larger so
that other utilities parties can use it? This idea can be used in new works and enlarge the existing
drainage channel when repair works is needed. But, at least, the design details of this idea would
proceed to study under the complaint raised by citizens and government would strive to make the
best development planning in the future project.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

drainage條 margin冇左會唔會更好?

If adjacent to the drainage is concrete slab,  what is the purpose of the drainage margin?
While,  normally,  it would reduce the support width of drainage cover.
Would it be possible to make the adjacent concrete slab (say 100 width)  50mm thicker instead,  then,  it would keep the abate support width. 

如果adjacent 係路, 會唔會冇左條margin 更好? 或者條margin應該做出渠邊, 即2旁的路做厚小小。

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

steel bar Lap and anchoragelength calculation by excel

一直希望用漫長的學習人生去慢慢一個個structural calculation excel 整出來,整教學和公式的根據。 希望而家職位低微唔會令我放棄呢個興趣。

石矢lap length
steel bar strength
Under tension or compression
concrete strength

根據steel bar 和 石矢的接觸面愈大,黏力愈大
steel bar接觸面的formula 係: 2R*PI()*Length


Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Different types of pavilion roof

4個摺位因為太多鐵cross over, 所以好時會整條幼beam 比佢。
但那種圍鐵方法可以容許roof 有curve 的存在。

waffle slab RC wall

原創 膠樽是很好的惰性物料,在無日曬下會十分耐用。 只要有工廠或機械自動裝沙機入膠樽, 那它可以當作為一定高度的檔土牆物料, 以減小石矢物料, 或,由於應該較少泥的特質, 所以作為擋土牆回填時的物料會減輕擋土牆的設計loading. 又或者室內批盪做間牆的...