如果用fibre glass 條會輕好多
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Friday, March 6, 2020
Importance of concrete plinth for shelter
Simply as concrete plinth to be 20x20 or 30x30 chamfer embraces the base of the post is also usefulOftenly, the rush or deterioration of a rain shelter started from the base of the post.
As in that area, it has a relatively higher duration of wetted by groundwater flow or pee of dogs.
The post of steel rainselter just above the ground would better be designed with concrete plinth to prevent those damage.
Moreover, when the post is constructed on a paving block or granite paving, the concrete plinth eases the process of trimming the paver.
After painting of the post, use around Dia. 225-450 PVC pipe as formwork and wire mesh as reinforcement and pour concrete or mortar to construct the concrete plinth
Please add your comment on the design thinking of concrete plinth.
原創 膠樽是很好的惰性物料,在無日曬下會十分耐用。 只要有工廠或機械自動裝沙機入膠樽, 那它可以當作為一定高度的檔土牆物料, 以減小石矢物料, 或,由於應該較少泥的特質, 所以作為擋土牆回填時的物料會減輕擋土牆的設計loading. 又或者室內批盪做間牆的...
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原創 膠樽是很好的惰性物料,在無日曬下會十分耐用。 只要有工廠或機械自動裝沙機入膠樽, 那它可以當作為一定高度的檔土牆物料, 以減小石矢物料, 或,由於應該較少泥的特質, 所以作為擋土牆回填時的物料會減輕擋土牆的設計loading. 又或者室內批盪做間牆的...