Google storage system according to street name and number.
With light post or electric post as locator.
shows the “location of the trench by light post”
This photo should
be lower, shows the “light post with number with trench nearby”
the “trench with road nearby”
shows the “location of the trench by light post”
Show the “trench with road nearby”
Central data system.
If there is no formal way, then, it can be by informal way,
Add photos to Google Photo album, with album name: “Street
name” & “Light post or electric post number” ~ simply to be named as post
This naming system can ensure that the information at same
street can be at the same group and people can search the location by Post
number “where post number is quite small enough for information searching, in
long, street number auto added would be preferred to clarify the section of the
road or lamp post should include the information of street number”
Example album
There may be a 說明書 on how to use google photo album. While, if multi people use
one account, it may be ruined the structure.
So, there may be one people who hold the account, and when
trench situation need to be recorded, the contractor provides him with the
light post and street name, and he generate the album with map screen shot or
the old file and share the album with the contractor.
For this method, the benefit is that the album can see who
upload the photo, the Contractor may register a specific account name which includes
the contract number