Friday, November 15, 2019

One way to teach efficiently(why online course)

My writing in SCMP
當年我只寫邏輯, David 哥幫我改句子。
Further study
Methodology to deliver a academic concept

Teaching a learner could be divided into 2 processes:

Process (1)  to present:. Prepare a set of presentation to the learner. If the learner doesn’t know what you mean, try another presentation method.

Process(2)  to find out the misconception: When the learner raises a question,  answer the question according to the misunderstanding of the learner. 
In a class,  during the process to present, there have problems like:
Those who present the concept don’t have a good presentation skill or they don’t have several presentation methods. For some poor candidate in HK, their only presenter is their teacher. And as Hong Kong is full of tutorial class with only video talk.  It proves that a better presentation skill is existed and reflect in their examination result that thousands of candidates grasp the concept after reading the video.

So,  in a classroom, the process to present with a video of a good presenter is important.  It would confirm that the candidate can receive different good presentation before they raise their question. Lastly,  it would to a great extent, reduce the workload of a teacher.

So,  develop a standard set of video lecture for HK student is important (better in Cantonese)  to raise the number of students to know the knowledge they need. 


1.  向他做一套講解, 如果他不明白, 就換一種講解方法。
2. . 重覆1, 直至, 他提出問題, 就根據他不明白的地方向他講解。
而向他做一套理論, 這程序是應該被video 取代的, 好處是更易準備更多講解方法,講解方法易分享, 亦令講解方法更清晰和減小老師的負擔。巿面上已知很多主要靠視頻單向播放就令聽者明白並高分的補習名師, 這證明了好的講解方法本身是可以錄像的, 這另一方面更並提高了老師的生產力。
在香港中小學群體裡面, 很多學生可能不能接受到較好的, 或不能接受到不同的講解方法。 但對好些低收入家庭的學生而言, 他們唯一的教授者只有老師。

所以香港很有需要建立一套自己的標準課題講解方法(最好是母語,因為很多學生沒機會學好英文) ,以讓更多學生公平地接受教育。


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