Friday, June 12, 2020

Experience of the notice board project

* 其實,同類型嘅工作,最好係有Location plan ga, 係為左比人知道工地位置嘅情報,如果地圖範圍太大,可考慮用1:5000的圖則(我未用過),如果冇,亦可考慮直接去MyMapHK capture 想要嘅地圖scale, 否則,出車前,如果對地方本身唔係熟悉嘅話,都係要整張location plan 去知道點樣用最少路線行哂所有位置。 又可以比判頭佑道位置與位置間的距離,訂定工程順序。
* 應該係岩嘅:唔夠6mm厚嘅鐵板唔好用6m thick 焊支,否則會辣熔鐵板或損害結構。(有Dstruct E話係,但唔sure 點解好多部門照寫)
* 膠板需要UV resistance,唔係想擋UV(咁就會冇咁光),而係想令膠板在日曬雨淋下唔會變白,唔透明。
* 確保膠板質量果度,咁當然Delivery note 同物料spec,並在信中聲明所有所用物料係跟spec 同delivery note 啦, 但其實我覺得如果要監控,各區或總部最好買一個UV resistance 嘅 polythene carbonate catalogue,講哂每一種物料嘅型號,spec,同埋sample,唔駛次次攞。咁就可以出去果陣對貼紙同埋對塊膠板喇。
* 超聲波探測器係需要調較到音速5900m/s^-1 for steel 嘅,唔知會唔會有人無留意到,其實我唔太sure 厚度準唔準,但佢cal cert 話佢好準...
(Ultrasound detector should design an elastic detector head, to ensure that the compressing stress of the detector head is uniform. Or it is a problem for long that when detector head is lightly separate or inclined to the metal surface, the thickness of the metal would be changed. And supplier generally supplies metal with 1-2mm thinner showing that the technical nowadays can make a metal plate to the 1mm accuracy.
* 展示finish floor level 要好好咁考慮,係咪個個都係咁,有冇D唔想要石矢面,想要paving block 面。
* 可能最好係notes 度加一句: post would be moved horizontally on site,  and have a footing with mininum cover of 100 mm.  When the cover of the post is smaller tham 200mm,  U steel bar should be added at 200c-c at that 3 sides horizontally and 1 side vertically. 咁移動footing 時就會有根據。
* 要鎖嘅地方最好即刻上鎖, 或包住, 否則會比d陌生人自已加個鎖上去。。。


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waffle slab RC wall

原創 膠樽是很好的惰性物料,在無日曬下會十分耐用。 只要有工廠或機械自動裝沙機入膠樽, 那它可以當作為一定高度的檔土牆物料, 以減小石矢物料, 或,由於應該較少泥的特質, 所以作為擋土牆回填時的物料會減輕擋土牆的設計loading. 又或者室內批盪做間牆的...