English below
1. 為減小堆填區負擔, 直接將完整玻璃瓶扔入海, 會否產生"環境"問題?
2. 另外,重用玻璃瓶問題上, 如果限制玻璃瓶瓶口size 要夠大, 咁基本上瓶子可以做為水瓶重用, 增加了很大的巿場價值,又可以幫果間飲料公司宣傳。
1. In order to reduce the burden on landfills, throwing whole glass bottles directly into the sea will cause "environmental" problems?
2. In addition, regarding the issue of reusing glass bottles, if the size of the bottle mouth is restricted to be large enough, the bottle can basically be reused as a water bottle, which adds a lot of market value and can also help fruit beverage companies to promote.
As glass is inert material that won't cause any unwanted reaction. it will just like sand with different shape in the beach. it would be a better replacement to let the glass bottom landfilled.
Moreover, as it is grouped and stored in the beach, in the future or when anyone find it useful, they can go to the sea and take them.
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